3/18/03 Peter Marshall: Our Father, since we cannot always do what we like, grant that we may like what we must do, knowing that truth will one day be vindicated and that right in the end will prevail. Bless those who serve us this day and keep them all in Thy peace. Amen
Peter Marshall served as a chaplain in the US Senate. He had a heart attack and died at age 46. Why Dad quoted him in a prayer for Exchange Club, I don’t know. I would guess he liked the note of perseverance and trust.
My must do tasks were yard work and matching socks, today. Typically I wait till I am walking out the door, burrowing through the “lost sheep” pile looking for a match. Today I decided to cull the flock.
I found toddler size socks (not a pair) in the plastic bowl that doubles as a receptacle for “lost sheep” socks, awaiting a buddy.
How long some were waiting! So, sock vindication is accepting I have no pairs and it is time to pitch them in the trash, particularly when the son who used to fit this particular sock, might only get 4 toes inside it.
This was not hard to do this culling and transfer to the trash.
Why have I waited this long? Why have I moved these 3 different times?
Lookout Tupperware! Your days are numbered.
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