Father’s Day 2020
This is from one of my father’s (with a sprinkling of my mother’s) index box card collection of his prayers. I couldn’t let today pass without a word from my father.
6/26/05 Offering “Our Father, remind us of the source of our strength–remind us too of the source of our gifts and treasures, with gladness and gratitude we return a portion of that which You have shared!
It is a pleasant task to trace back to the source of my strengths and gifts. They are stubbornly rooted in the good soil of my DNA. Whether I tend them carefully or not they have grown and bloomed. For that I am grateful.
But beyond my Genealogy, I know where my strength comes from. I know who wired me with the particular mix of gifts with which I have been gifted. I don’t control the garden.
That’s OK. Keep digging. Keep weeding. Keep smelling the flowers and the dirt. Try to avoid the buried insect larvae.
Marty McIntyre