We thank Thee, our God, for an hour like this – a time when we can enjoy fellowship & laughter – free of tensions and strain. Teach us the secret of living without strain and worry. Teach us how to live just one day at a time- to recognize and enjoy the many blessings that are ours and to be content in knowing that you care for each of us. Amen
Today would have been my brother’s 62nd birthday. 62 is not old, but then neither is 55 or 61, two other recent ages talked about this last week.
My brother was not a suicide, but a heart attack. Still young. Still a shock. Still sad.
But I love Dad’s reminder in this prayer. That God cares for each of us. We are fearfully and wonderfully made. That my soul does know. That my brain needs to rest in and my heart be content with.
That is enough. Sometimes it is all one needs to know; for the day, hour or second.
Make sure you convey that to the people you meet today.
Who knows what an impact you could make?
Thank you so much for sharing these! My mother passed very unexpectedly, I’ve been unable to accept that, though it’s been 2 years. Reading these prayers, I am reminded of the few, prescious notes she wrote to me that remain. You’re so blessed to have a boxful, I believe my Mom would have done this also, however she had seven children and always had to work.
These prayers comfort me so I thank you for them. Reading doesn’t alleviate the pain of losing her, but it does help me to be a stronger person while I hurt.
I hope this makes sense to you, bereavement is hard to explain.
Thanks again, M L.
Lily, I am so sorry that you are having to navigate this journey of grieving for the sudden passing of your mother. I started this blog when I first found the box of prayers. It was the only tangible activity I could think of. It helped me and I am grateful it has struck a familiar chord for you.
There have been almost 12 years since my mother’s passing and 7 since my father’s. My family seems to wonder why I still do this. Helping others is why.
The journey takes whatever it takes: time, tears, talking…whatever. Trust that process and be gentle with yourself on the way.
Thank you so much for taking the time to respond. If I may ask, how did you find this blog?
So glad you visited!
Hi. I hope you are doing well. I didn’t realize that you wrote back until now, but I’m very grateful!
I believe I found your blog while randomly searching for comfort after losing her. I felt so alone and the words you shared gave me strength. It’s good to read them again.
My family, too doesn’t seem to quite understand why losing her has been do devastating to me. I know that I need to come to terms with it. Sorrow can’t begin to explain how I feel.
Hopefully you’ll see this. And I hope the blog has given you peace in your heart.
Love and Gratitude, Lily
Lily, thanks for being a persistent reader. I know that this blog is on the right track (regardless what family says) when I read comments such as yours. Sorry has no expiration date. I know that each day when I utilize skills that family members taught me, that I am loving & honoring them and that makes me smile. I think they would smile also. Best to you. Thanks for being a reader.