11/16/17 Bear with us, our Heavenly Father, for our reluctance to give thanks before asking for something else. Remind us of prayers answered – guide our stumbling steps – keep us humble and responsive to the needs of others. Amen
This photo depicts my family’s “Let it be unto me” china cabinet. As Mary acknowledged to Gabriel (Luke 1:38) my china cabinet/secretary contains tokens and pictures of tacit acknowledgement of God’s blessings throughout my genealogy.
The Greek for “be it/let it be” is γίνομαι, Strong’s G1096 – ginomai. The Blue Letter Bible defines this among other things as, to be made, finished; and of miracles, to be performed, wrought.
I don’t know what Mary’s prayers might have been before she delivered, but as a new mother, I felt Breath of Heaven to the very core of my new motherhood. This was Amy Grant’s rendition, of course, not Vince Gill’s.
On the shelves beneath this Nativity scene (kept up year-round btw) are a German teacup and an etched glass cup given to a distant relative by a more distant parent, as well as little framed portraits of my children when they were young. When the proof of answered prayer in my life was a daily, lively, rambunctious reminder.
Things are quieter now. Life losses and pains obscure the reminders of the answered prayers. Good thing I keep some tokens to remind me in my china cabinet.
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