3/25/03 We come still again, our God, bothered and uneasy about the ‘news of the day’. Comfort and support those most needing your Grace this hour and help the rest of us to extend our encouragement and compassion. Amen
Palm Sunday 2018
I did not think about the heartstring pull of this day till an hour ago. I well knew Easter was in a week, but I remained mindless of today…
When one passes away in a nursing facility on a Sunday evening, the date on the death certificate reflects when the hospice staff arrive and declare it…not when it actually happened.
This has always bothered me. I was with Dad when he passed on a Palm Sunday at 11:30pm. But hospice didn’t arrive till 2am, so another date was utilized on the death certificate, a date not Palm Sunday. A date I was never even with my father.
50 years ago the world seemed nothing but enormous pain. Martin Luther King Jr in April, Robert F. Kennedy’ assassination in June.
Indeed we were all troubled by the news of the day.
My news today is that Palm Sunday will always be for me the day my father entered the heavenly gates and went home. It is not troubling.
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