Looking up the etymology of the word Petty, I find this: ‘old name for “Northern Lights” was petty dancers.’ https://www.etymonline.com/word/petty
I have never seen the Northern Lights in all their glory, but I sincerely doubt this would be how I would describe them…
But, then again, I think on all the videos I have seen and how each little band of color moves together yet apart. It might be that one focuses on one small segment trying to understand the whole movement. Does it work that way?
Dad’s prayer asks for God’s encouragement in our efforts, both to accept and to understand others, in order to serve the community. Because the ultimate goal is to keep moving and do what God would have us do.
Which brings me to the fact that today’s post is a day late. “Shoulda-Coulda-Woulda” is my category for missing the date.
What would God have me be moving forward on? What should I be doing?
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