12/6/05 We pray again, Our Father, for your blessing on this fellowship. Remind us of our several blessings – the value of family and friends – the opportunities each of us has to offer an encouraging word to others and our collective opportunity to serve this community. Amen
Yesterday at lunch a woman in a car stopped me as I walked across the parking lot to ask if I knew where the So & So employment office was. I didn’t, but the address implied it was close. I told her to park her car, it had to be close.
Once inside the quaint indoor old fashioned dining area of Michael’s Bakery, I looked at the tenant directory. There was no “So & So” business listed, but there was an Impact Employment office. I walked down there and checked it out. Yes, that was it. “We tell people to come to the Impact office, they just don’t remember.” She didn’t sound real empathetic.
I went out looking for the woman who had just asked directions of me. I found her and guided her to the proper place. She was cold. The wind was fierce.
She saw the inviting atmosphere and asked if it was an expensive place to eat. I said no, $7 or 8 could get you soup and a salad. She said she could use a chili. She entered the office to fill out an application to work in a factory.
I ate my lunch, but managed to chat with her when she left. I wish I had ordered her a chili to give to her. My loss.
Although I failed to encourage her with food, I provided some other assistance. I pray she finds work. She looked very stressed.
Returning back to work, a young woman with rainbow colored long beautiful hair (I work at the juvenile court) saw me struggling to keep my hood up in the wind. She and I chuckled at the futility.
She then asked if I dyed my hair to get the mostly salt color it is…I looked at her and said, “No way would I have patience to dye my hair any color. No, it is all natural!”
“Grey is very ‘in’ right now!” Was her fashionista response.
“Not with an old face!” was mine.
“You’re beautiful! I love your hair.”
You never know who you can encourage…it may even be an old lady returning from lunch.
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