2/11 Once again, our God, we admit to being troubled & anxious about the uncertainty of where we are headed. Hear our prayers for a more peaceful world – for leadership open to listening and negotiating – free of stubborn pride and conceit. Forgive those who have blundered and listened to short-sighted advice and sustain those of us who seek your guidance. Amen
No clue as to what year. Which uncertainty or anxiety was being referenced here. Which stubborn, prideful or conceited leader came into focus in my dad’s mind when he wrote this. It could have been written today.
Short-sighted advice seems correct at the time. It assuages some immediate lack, but it can’t go the distance. It does not see beyond the bend.
The language root of “blundering” is to shut the eyes. Lord, You see tomorrow and today. You changeth not. Moreso, You see me. You do not shut Your eyes.
May I be sustained as I seek Your guidance, and may I listen to what You see.
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