2/7/06 Our Father in heaven, as is our custom, we pause and give thanks for this day and for this hour of fellowship and nourishment. Be with those who are in need of your grace and be with each of us as we try to make our lives more purposeful. Amen
The pile of things and intentions for projects is quite high on my desk. My goal to make my life purpose-full is limited by the boundary of whatever time I have left on this earth. Looking up the etymology of “goal” one sees it is tied to the Old Prussian word , “gallan: death.”
Making my life more purposeful, I believe is ultimately tied to what battles I am in. What objective I have been up against, or more accurately, what have I had to throw against.
Look it up. Object: “thrown against.”
It takes work. It takes strength. It takes keeping your eye on the target. It takes careful aim. Then put your whole self into throwing against…whatever.
Therein is the journey to purpose.