Our Father in heaven we pray again for your guidance and help – help us to recognize and accept our differences with others. Guide us through these days of uncertainty and confusion. Give us the courage of our convictions and teach us when and how to speak those convictions. Amen
Both of my parents were lovers of words. Mostly written first, then spoken. Words and their meaning carefully planned.
The prayers I will be sharing are their own words written on index cards tucked into vest pockets of suits or a purse, edited on the fly as they sat in their pew at church or a chair at a luncheon; church, Rotary, or Exchange club.
Some events alluded to in their prayers were tragedies to a fellow church member or the nation. Some were joyful celebrations.
I hope you “hear” a loved one’s voice when you read these. I love hearing their words, again.
– Parents Prayers
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